project: Coding aptitude assessment challenge: Task 5

Tags skill/problem_solving
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • CODING_APTITUDE_ASSESSMENT: Introduction to coding challenges
  • CODING_APTITUDE_ASSESSMENT: IMPORTANT!! Naming your files and functions
  • Write a function that takes in three numbers(integers) and returns the maximum number.

    Do this without using any built-in methods. Write your own logic from scratch.

    The function should expect 3 numbers(integers), not an array or list.

    task5([1,2,3])  // BAD - this function accepts an array/list which is wrong
    task5(1,2,3)  // GOOD - this accepts three numbers just like we need it to.

    Example usage:

    • task5(1,2,3) should return 3
    • task5(-1,-2,-3) should return -1
    • task5(2,2,2) should return 2

    Check your understanding

    • Which number is bigger: -1 or -12?
    • Which number is bigger: -1 or 0?
    • What would you need to do differently in your code if you did accept an array or list?
    • Are there built-in functions that can calculate the maximum number? How about the minimum number?
    • How do you think you benefit from writing these kinds of functions yourself? What do you think we are testing for?
    • You made use of > or < operators. What other comparison operators are there?
    • can you think of how you would solve this problem using a loop?
    • can you think of how you would solve this problem without using a loop?