project: Measures of Dispersion - Project

We will not only be assessing your code but also how you structure and present your analysis.This notebook has a guide to the general structure we expect.

Your repo should contain everything needed to replicate your work. It’s good practice to structure your files well, so we’ll expect you to have a separate directory for “notebook”, so that your final file structure looks something like this:

│  └──dispersion_notebook.ipynb


In your notebook, create a list of called temperatures. This will represent the temperatures of a city in the last 14 days in Celsius.

Paste in the following value:

temperatures = [26,27, 27,29,31,33,33,32, 27,27,26]

Compute and present the Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation of the provided temperature.

Submission Guidelines

  • Organise your code into well commented Jupyter notebook cells
  • Include Markdown cells for explanations, analysis, and reflections.
  • After completing this project, Push your changes to another branch other than main and open a pull request on github.