topic: Frequency distribution questions

  1. What are the steps in creating a frequency distribution for a dataset? Describe the process using a dataset of daily temperatures over a month.

  2. How does cumulative frequency provide additional insights beyond simple frequency? Illustrate with an example involving a dataset of exam scores.

  3. What is the difference between relative frequency and absolute frequency? Provide an example where relative frequency offers more insight than absolute frequency.

  4. How do you decide the number and width of class intervals in a frequency distribution for continuous data? Discuss the impact of different choices using a dataset of city populations.

  5. How is a frequency distribution constructed for categorical data, and what unique insights can it provide? Use a dataset of favorite fruits among a group of people as an example.

  6. How can frequency distributions mislead if not properly analyzed? Provide an example involving a dataset with an uneven distribution of data points.

  7. How can frequency distributions be used in research to identify trends and patterns? Discuss with an example related to consumer behavior.

  8. How can you identify skewness in a frequency distribution, and what does it indicate about the dataset? Discuss using a dataset with a skewed distribution.