project: Submit your CV

Tags employability close_on_peer_reviews
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • Task Description

    1. Using the content in the previous sections update your current CV, or create a new CV. Remember to go through the content in detail and apply all the learnings.
    2. Upload a link to your CV (make sure the share is set so “Anyone with the link” can view the document)

    Instructions for reviewer

    • Check that the CV is structured well and easy to read and follow
    • Check the spelling and grammar
    • Does CV include contact details?
    • Does CV include all required sections (personal statement, experience, education and skills)?
    • Test to see if hyperlinks are working
    • Would you hire this person?

    When giving feedback please remember to be thorough and constructive, remember a peer review whether competent or not yet competent should be a gift that helps your peers get into industry. Reviewing is also an opportunity for you to improve your work. Try to look for 3 things that they have done really well and 3 things they could improve on.