project: Submit your portfolio

Tags employability-sprint close_on_peer_reviews
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • Task Description

    1. Compile Information

    Using the information in the Topic: Portfolio of work, and the different links in the Resources section, compile all your information in a document. Review your work and select the best project(s) you would like to include in your portfolio. You can use screengrabs, icons and a range of other visual materials to communicate your ideas.

    2. Creating your Portfolio

    Now that you’ve compiled all the information you need, you will be required to create your own portfolio using this information. Here are some simple steps to follow:

    • Decide on the tool you will be using. You can use the following tools to assist with a stand-alone document:
      • Figma
      • Powerpoint / Keynote / Slides
      • GoogleDocs
      • Canva
    • Decide on visual and design approach for portfolio: select a font/colour/voice and tone
    • Create a cover page and “About Me” section
    • Decide on the structure of each project
    • Prepare and insert your projects

    Instructions for reviewer:

    • Overall look and feel of the portfolio
    • Does the portfolio include a “About Me” section?
    • Does their portfolio showcase their skills?

    When giving feedback please remember to be thorough and constructive, remember a peer review whether competent or not yet competent should be a gift that helps your peers get into industry. Reviewing is also an opportunity for you to improve your work. Try to look for 3 things that they have done really well and 3 things they could improve on.