topic: How to submit your skills test

Tags tilde github

Github is a platform that helps different kinds of programmers collaborate with their code. You’re going to need to use it to submit your projects to us. As the course progresses you will become a github expert. For now, we want you to use it in the simplest way possible.

The first thing to know is that you need to make a “repo”. You can think of a repo as a special directory where you can store all the code files for a project.

The following video shows you how to create a repo and upload your files:

NB! If your skills test is called Bootcamp Exploratory Data Analysis we have created a repo for you to use, you don’t need to create one yourself, this can be found under details on the card. Please use the drag and drop method explained in the video below to add your work to the repo. Should you get a 404 when accessing the repo please check that you are logged into github and that you accepted the e-mail invite.

When submitting on Tilde there are a few things you need to check and keep in mind, the below video shows you how to submit and check your submission.

Important checks to note when submitting a link:

  1. Check that your code works/project is correct and up to date
  2. Check that the link you are using is accessable from incogneto
  3. Check that the link has updated correctly on Tilde