Tags | File and directory naming |
Hard Prerequisites | |
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content. | |
When thinking about how to name files and directories in JavaScript, please keep consistency and readability in mind. With that said, please make sure to to follow examples in the project instructions if any were given (e.g. PROJECT: Animals Part 2. Adding Tests ). If there are no directory and file structure examples provided, please make use of snake_case to name your files and directories.
Students are expected to be on the same page when it comes to naming their files and directories - utilizing the same convention makes reviewing files easier for everyone involved. Snake case also makes it easier to separate long file names.
├── spec
| ├── support
| | └── jasmine.json
| └── simple_calculator_spec.js
├── src
| └── simple_calculator.js
└── package.json