project: Bootstrap flux

Tags kubernetes fluxcd
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • K8S: Manual App Deployment – Project Overview
  • Soft Prerequisites
  • K8S: Start K3s
  • Bootstrap flux

    first we install the fluxCD cli

    curl -s | sudo bash

    next create a github personal access token (We will use the classic token for this course)

    export GITHUB_TOKEN=<gh-token>
    export GITHUB_USER=<my-github-username>
    flux bootstrap github \
      --token-auth \
      --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
      --owner=my-github-username \
      --repository=my-repository-name \
      --branch=main \
      --path=clusters/my-cluster \
      --personal \

    A few things are happening here

    • a new namespace is being created flux-system
    • You’ll notice a new folder being created in your repo called clusters and subfolder my-cluster
    • Fluxcd does a git clone and applies the kustomization along with the helm charts specified
    • This is the deployment step from now on everything will be done inside the repo that way we can always keep track of the cluster state and it will always be easy to rebuild in case of disaster recovery needed
    # remember to pull the commit that flux made before continuing
    git pull