project: Nginx Installation

Tags kubernetes nginx
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • K8S: Manual App Deployment – Project Overview
  • Soft Prerequisites
  • K8S: Install Certbot
  • Nginx is arguably the world’s leading web server, load balancer, and proxy server. Known for its exceptional performance, scalability, and low resource usage, Nginx serves static content efficiently and acts as a reverse proxy to distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers. Its capabilities extend to caching, SSL/TLS termination, and robust security features. Widely used in high-traffic websites, Nginx is a versatile solution for enhancing the speed and reliability of web services.

    # updates the package manager
    sudo apt update
    # installs nginx
    sudo apt install nginx -y
    # initialize nginx automatically
    sudo systemctl enable nginx
    # test nginx's configuration.
    sudo nginx -t
    # verify that nginx is running
    sudo systemctl status nginx

    Now navigate to

    Your browser might complain to be accessing an HTTP-only page. Just click the button saying that you know what you are doing.

    You should be able to see the default Nginx page without TLS as we haven’t configured the certificate yet.