project: Get started with HackerRank

Tags data structures algorithms problem solving skill/problem_solving
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • LANGUAGE-AGNOSTIC: Problem solving techniques
  • HackerRank is a great resource for self-testing and levelling up your problem-solving abilities.

    There are lots of reasons to work on your problem-solving abilities:

    Firstly, it really helps you to be a better coder. Hard problems become easy. So, you can do hard things, and you can do them fast. This is wonderful.

    The other big thing is job interviews.

    When you go for job interviews as a coder, employers will often expect you to solve some coding puzzles. Generally, this will be a timed test, you won’t be allowed to copy-paste other people’s solutions, you won’t be able to try to get answers out of YouTube, you will just have to solve the puzzle. It can be a pretty high-pressure situation.

    I once had to solve a whole lot of tricky problems with three senior technical staff members looming over me at the same time. True story. It was ok though, I would even say it was fun. Because I was prepared.

    When it comes to levelling up your problem-solving abilities, the earlier you start the better. The tricks you will learn by completing HackerRank problems will just make your life better.


    1. Register here:
    2. Visit this problem set:
    3. Earn 30 points. Make sure you optimise for UNDERSTANDING!

    Submit your profile

    On the top right-hand corner of the screen, you will see a drop-down menu. Click on it and select “Profile”.

    You will land on a page with a URL that looks like this: “[YOUR_USERNAME_GOES_HERE]"

    Please give us this URL.

    Going forward

    Getting your first 30 points is just a start. Please continue with HackerRank in your spare time.