topic: NCBA wrap up & feedback


Well done, you did it!

Congratulations on completing the Design Sprint. We hope this sprint has helped you learn the skills you need to find economic opportunities.

I am sure you are wondering that is next from here? Well….

As you have been found competent on all your formative and summative assessments by our assessor Dr. Augustine, here are the next steps that will follow towards you obtaining that final paper proving your hard work has been recorded in the books of academics! Yup, your certificate.

  1. Complete portfolio showcasing your skills, which is checked by Seta to certify you

  2. Complete outstanding POE documents.

  3. Moderation by moderator Sam to validate ethical assessment process - at the end of the learnership.

  4. Verification by MICTSeta once moderation is concluded, this takes place 3 - 6 months post learnership completion.

  5. Certification

We would appreciate your honest feedback

Our learners are the most important stakeholders in our organisation. Please complete this survey to help us understand your experience of the sprint. This will help us to better understand your needs and keep on getting better at creating tools and products to support your journey.