Create one file per question. Name your files like so:
You can just upload these files into the main branch of your repo. There is no need to make pull requests for this project.
The questions should be in the root directory of your repository! If you make extra directories you will be asked to resubmit your work.
Each file should look like this:
# Question
The question goes here. Take note of the heading above.
# Answer
Your answer goes here
For example, if the question was “What are all the colors of the rainbow?”
Then your file should look like this:
# Question
What are all the colors of the rainbow?
# Answer
The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Follow this guide to upload your files to your repo.
The guide might have a few confusing words. I’ll define them briefly here:
You’ll be asked if you want to add your code to the main branch or if you want to create a new branch. Branches are cool, trust me, but we aren’t going to get into them right now. Just choose “main branch”
Once you have filled in the form you can save your changes by clicking on the “commit” button.
Please use Git from the command line. Commit early and often.
It is critical that you use your own words when answering written assignments. If you copy-paste from the Internet or your peers then that means: