project: Dashboard Assignment


There are four assignments for you to try.

Two of them create dashboards using Plotly, one uses static data, while the other one uses dynamic real time data.

The third one is a Google Data Studio project which also uses static data. This assignment has a slightly sharp learning curve on setting up, uploading data and structuring the data, but once that is done, it is relatively easy.

For the fourth project, you need to apply regex and webscraping to extract data from a municipal website, which you will then display on a dashboard to show real-time updates. You are free to choose between plotly and Google Data Studio to display your dashboard.


EASY PROJECT: Plotly Dashboard Assignment .


You will need the tutorial in Google Datastudio TOPIC: Google Data Studio

EASY PROJECT: Google Data Studio Assignment

HARD: PROJECT: Live Dashboard Assignment

HARD: PROJECT: Webscraping and Live Dashboard Assignment