project: Statistical Thinking

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Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • PROJECTS: Evolution of Linux Visualisation
  • TOPICS: Jupyter notebooks best practices
  • PROJECTS: Assertive programming helpers for Pandas

  • Objectives

    At the end of this assignment you should be able to:

    • do exploratory data analysis on a new dataset.
    • know what the measures of central tendency and spread are used for.
    • know when to use which measure of central tendency.
    • describe different distributions and interpret a histogram.
    • know what outliers are and how they affect measures of central tendency and spread.
    • interpret correlations from a graph and from the correlation coefficient.

    Background material


    Complete the DataCamp courses Statistical Thinking in Python Part 1 and Statistical Thinking in Python Part 2.



    The Millennium Development Goals were a set of 8 goals for 2015 that were defined by the United Nations to help improve living conditions and the conditions of our planet. Key indicators were defined for each of these goals, to see whether they were being met. We will have a look at some of the key indicators from Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability, namely carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, protected land and sea areas, and forests. The full dataset can be found at .

    Directory structure

    It’s good practice to structure your files well, so we’ll expect you to have a separate directory for “data” and “notebook” so that your final file structure looks something like this:

    │   └──MDG_Export_20191227.csv
    │  └──statistical_thinking.ipynb


    1. Load the MDG data into a pandas DataFrame. You will need the packages matplotlib, numpy, seaborn, pandas and scipy.
    2. How many different countries are represented? Save this number in a variable number_of_countries.
    3. How many missing values do we have by country, year and series? You need to create 3 DataFrames:
    • missing_values_by_country_df with column names Country and missing_values_count
    • missing_values_by_year_df with column names Year and missing_values_count
    • missing_values_by_series_df with column names Series and missing_values_count
    1. Check and correct any problems with the data. At this stage ensure that your dataset is in a DataFrame named: mdg_df.
    2. Who are the top and bottom 5 countries in terms of CO2 emissions in 1990 and what are their emissions? Create DataFrames called top_countries_co2_emmissions_1990_df and bottom_countries_co2_emmissions_1990_df with columns Country and co2_emissions and order the data from highest to lowest for top_countries_co2_emmissions_1990_df and from lowest to highest for bottom_countries_co2_emmissions_1990_df. Create similarly named data frames for the emissions in 2011. How have these emissions changed compared with 1990?
    3. Calculate the mean and median CO2 emissions for 1990. Save each answer in the variables mean_co2_emmisions_1990 and median_co2_emmisions_1990 respectively. Why do you think these values differ?
    4. Calculate the minimum, maximum and interquartile range of the CO2 emissions for 1990. Please store these as variables named: minimum_co2_emmisions_1990, maximum_co2_emmisions_1990 and iqr_co2_emissions_1990 respectively. Using this information, as well as the mean and median calculated previously for this year, explain what this tells us about the distribution of CO2 emissions?
    5. Create a histogram of the CO2 emissions for 1990. Is this the distribution you expected based on your answers from questions 6 and 7?
    6. Calculate the standard deviation and standard error of the mean for CO2 emissions in 1990. Save each answer in the variables std_co2_emmisions_1990 and stderr_co2_emmisions_1990 respectively. How is the standard error different from the standard deviation?
    7. Create a line graph to show CO2 emissions in Brazil, Russia, China, India, the USA and South Africa over time. What does the graph tell you about the difference and change in C02 emissions in these countries?
    8. What is the mean and standard deviation for land area covered by forest in 1990? Save each answer in the variables mean_land_area_covered_forest_1990 and std_land_area_covered_forest_1990 respectively. Why do you think the standard deviation is so large?
    9. Create histograms for land area covered by forest and percentage of area protected in 1990. Describe the distributions.
    10. Create a scatterplot with a regression line using seaborn.regplot to show the relationship between the proportion of land area covered by forest and the percentage of area protected in 2000.
    • What is the relationship between these two variables?
    • Describe any patterns in the scatterplot.
    • Do you notice any unusual/extreme values that do not fit the general trend? If you see any unusual values, briefly describe them (Who are they? In what way are they different?).
    1. Since neither forested land area nor protected area is normally distributed, we will need to log transform these variables in order to calculate a correlation coefficient. Log transform the variables and show the transformed distributions in a histogram. You need to create 2 DataFrames:
    • log_transformed_land_area_covered_2000_df with column names Country and log_transformed_forested_land_area_value
    • log_transformed_protected_area_2000_df with column names Country and log_transformed_protected_area_value.
    1. We’d like to determine the nature of the relationship between proportion of land area covered by forest and the percentage of area protected (as measured in 1990 and log transformed). Start with stating the “null” and “alternative” hypothesis for this enquiry. Using the pearsonr function from the scipy.stats module, calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient and its corresponding p value. Save this answer in a variable called pearson_correlation_coefficient_1990. The p value here should be saved in a variable called pearson_p_value_1990. See help(pearsonr) for help on this function.
    • Interpret the size and direction of the correlation statistic.
    • Is the relationship statistically significant? Report the appropriate statistic(s) to support your answer.
    1. Calculate the Spearman Rank-Order Correlation Coefficient. Save this answer in a variable called spearman_correlation_coefficient_1990. The p value here should be saved in a variable called spearman_p_value_1990. This test only looks at the order of the categories, not the values. The Spearman Rank-Order Coefficient is therefore not influenced by non-normality of variables or outliers. How do the results of this test compare with the results of the Pearson’s correlation?

    Instructions for reviewer

    1. Learners should understand the difference between a missing value and a NaN value. It seems that students use the terminology interchangeably.

    2. Learners need to be able to make the correct deductions following commands such as .info() and .describe(). Sometimes learners will use these commands since they know it is required of them, but they are not entirely comfortable with what is presented to them by these commands.

    3. How do learners answer basic questions such as ‘How many different countries are represented?’ or ‘Who are the top and bottom 5 countries in terms of CO2 emissions in 1990 and what are their emissions?’. If it is a case of endless for loops and if statements then the learner is not comfortable using standard pandas functionality such as .nlargest(), .contains(), .groupby().

    4. Any plots that are to be done, should be neat and easily readable. The plot must have a heading, the labels should be in bold, the x and y axes should make sense (Multipliers should be added if necessary).

    5. Pearson coefficient, Spearman coefficient, correlation coefficient, p-value, Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis. This is where most learners have major difficulty. They can find the answers to the questions through the code easy enough, but they cannot clearly and simply explain what these terms mean and how they all work together, when to accept or reject a Null hypothesis, if the p-value is small, but the Null hypothesis is stated not as a negative but as a positive, should I still reject the Null hypothesis? These are the kind of questions learners should be comfortable to answer.