project: CloudBnb - Basic Property model and admin panel

Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • PROJECTS: CloudBnb - intro
  • TOPICS: Django official tutorial - part 2 - Models and the Admin panel
  • TOPICS: [TODO] Understanding Django Migrations

  • Instructions


    Make use of Postgres. Postgres should be running in a docker container.

    Your first model

    In this part of the project you need to implement a few models. Your first model should be called Property. This model would represent something that can be rented out temporarily.

    Every Property has the following data associated with it:

    • a description
    • pictures (more than one). One picture should be selected as the primary/favorate image
    • city
    • suburb
    • street address
    • maximum number of guests
    • price per night for one guest
    • price per night per extra guest
    • a bunch of Tags (use this: The tags can say things like “internet”, “washing machine”, “tv”, “dstv”, "

    Admin panel

    Make sure that you can access this data through the admin panel. Create a few properties and add some tags to be sure.

    Migration files

    Make sure you commit your migration files to the repo