project: Intro to spring boot project - Part 2

Tags spring-boot rest-api mvc annotations
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • PROJECTS: Intro to spring boot project - Part 1
  • TOPICS: Intro to spring boot - Part 2

  • We are going to focus on creating a REST api that will serve as an end point to our spring boot java application.


    Continuing with PROJECT: Intro to spring boot project - Part 1 for the User we are going to expose a REST endpoint to the application.

    Step 1

    Create a Controller Class based on the spring MVC infrastructure. This will be used to expose the endpoint.

    package controller;
    public class UserController {

    Step 2

    Do the following in the UserController.

    1 - Implement an end point to add a user

    // returns string "[Name] added"

    2 - Implement an end point to GET a user, should returns the user name

    // returns string "Hello [Name]"

    3 - Implement an end point to REMOEVE a user, should return that

    // returns string "[Name] removed"


      public ResponseEntity<String> update(@RequestBody Customer customer)
          // ... ResponseEntity

    Step 3

    Make sure your rest Api layer is well tested

    Side Notes

    1. Please remember to test your end points using postman. If you need help with using postman please checkout resources below.
    2. Add at least one image of a successful request using postman.
    3. Pay attention to resources provided below
    4. Please create a new branch labeled part2

    Happy Coding…
