project: Node & SQL assignment

Story points 5
Tags node sql
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • SQL: Shop Database using sql
  • TOPICS: [TODO] Introduction to Node and SQL
  • PROJECTS: Node & File IO
  • TOPICS: Unit testing with mocks and spies
  • TOPICS: Clean Code for SQL

  • You are required to create a backend service that will help capture basic information about prospective students who come to inquire here at Umuzi.

    database setup

    1. Set up a Postgresql database on your computer. Please use Docker to do this. You can find more information here: TOPIC: Intro to Docker and Docker-compose .
    2. Create a table inside the database and name it Visitors.
    3. The table must contain the following fields :
    • id: This should be automatically generated by SQL
    • visitor name
    • visitor’s age
    • date of visit
    • time of visit
    • the name of the person who assisted the visitor
    • comments


    Before you dive into anything too intense, let’s make sure that you can get node to connect to your database. Can you get this Node script to run:

    // npm install --save pg
    // find out more here:
    const Pool = require("pg").Pool;
    const pool = new Pool({
      user: "user",
      host: "localhost",
      database: "db",
      password: "pass",
      port: 5432
    const helloWorld = () => {
        "SELECT $1::text as message",
        ["Hello world!"],
        (error, results) => {
          if (error) {
            throw error;


    Create a single index script with the following functions:

    • addNewVisitor. This should save the Visitor into the database
    • list all visitors. This should return an array of all the visitor names and ids
    • delete a visitor
    • update a visitor
    • view one visitor: given a visitor’s id, return all information about that visitor
    • delete all visitors
    • view last visitor: return the last visitor’s id in the database


    You will be expected to properly test your code. You can use whatever testing framework you want. If you use something that isn’t taught at Umuzi please justify your choice (if you found something cool we might incorporate it into the syllabus)


    Instructions for reviewers

    • Connection strings should never be exposed. Ensure that the .dotenv module has been utilized.
    • The .dotenv file should not be present in the repo and should be specifically excluded through the use of .gitignore.
    • Ensure that Docker and docker-compose have been used. The docker-compose.yml file should be at the root of the project.
    • Ensure that the proper data type is returned for each function.
    • If used in the project, Ensure that Pool.connect || Client.connect and Pool.end || Client.end is used correctly. There is generally no need for opening and closing your connection inside every function.
    • Ensure the use of return, not console.log.
    • When it comes to testing for this project, have a look at TOPIC: Unit testing with mocks and spies , and make sure that mocks and spies are utilized properly.
    • did the learner follow all the clean coding practices described in TOPIC: Clean Code for SQL