project: React and Redux recipe search: Part 1. Presenting the form

Tags React Redux
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • PROJECTS: Intro to Redux for home automation: the basics
  • PROJECTS: Tilde Mockups
  • TOPICS: React + Redux architectural guidelines

  • This is part 1 of a project where we will be using Redux in order to build a recipe search user interface based on the Recipe API.

    In this part of the exercise we wont be making any queries to the api, we’ll just be using React and Redux to build a kick-ass search form.


    Create a search page that has the following functionality:

    • It needs a search box where the user can enter keywords, for example “omelette” or “mexican” or whatever else they are keen on.
    • It also needs a mechanism for adding ingredients to the search. And removing ingredients if they made a mistake.
    • Please test your code, you will be expected to use a react testing library to test your components, here is the documentation TOPIC: React Unit testing .

    Here is a valid user journey:

    • Tshepo is wondering what to make for dinner
    • He looks around the kitchen to see what he has available
    • He has some bacon, leeks, onions and tomatoes and he feels like something Italian. So he selects the ingredients and fills “Italian” into the search box
    • he then realises that the leeks are mouldy so he removes “leeks” from the search.

    Success criteria

    In this project you are expected to use redux for all your state management. Don’t use useState or any other hooks.

    In real life applications it usually makes sense to use a combination of redux and react hook based state, but the purpose of this project is for you to practice getting redux and react to play nice.


    Take a look at the api. Be sure that you understand that the ingredients and the search query are two different things. The user should be made aware of this through an intuitive looking form.