project: simple-calculator part 1

Story points 2
Tags tdd skill/tdd
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • TOPICS: Test Driven Development - Questions
  • TOPICS: Test Driven Development

  • The objective of this project is to build a calculator that can perform multiplication and addition on multiple integers. Do not build a front-end (UI). Complete this project by using a TDD approach.

    The basic TDD approach is as follows:

    1. RED: Write tests. It should fail initially because there isn’t any code that it is testing.
    2. GREEN: Write code to make the tests pass.
    3. REFACTOR: Make sure the code is understandable and clean.

    Remember to make sure your tests still pass after any refactoring.

    Set up environment


    Use Jasmine to test your code. Please do not use the SpecRunner html file to test your code. Run Jasmine on the terminal.

    After setting up Jasmine on the terminal, please ensure that your directory has the following:

    Your directory structure should look like this:

    ├── spec
    |   ├── support
    |   |   └── jasmine.json
    |   └── simple_calculator_spec.js
    ├── src
    |   └── simple_calculator.js
    └── package.json

    Note: Please export your two functions using the following syntax at the end of the code:

    module.exports = {firstFunctionName, secondFunctionName}


    Your project is expected to be completed using pytest.

    Please name your files and folders like this:

    ├── simple_calculator   the package under test
    │   └──
    ├── requirements.txt    installation requirements
    ├──            installation script for the package under test
    └── tests               all package tests go in this directory

    Please take a look at this topic to see an explanation of the required directory structure.

    TOPIC: Automated Testing in Python


    Please make use of Gradle from the command line to set up your project. You can learn more about Gradle here:

    TOPIC: Introduction to Gradle

    When you use gradle to create your project, give your project the following name: calculator

    Your directory structure should look like this:

    ├── gradle
    │   └── wrapper
    │       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
    │       └──
    ├── gradlew
    ├── gradlew.bat
    ├── settings.gradle
    └── app
        ├── build.gradle
        └── src
            ├── main
            │   └── java
            │       └── calculator
            │           └──       <-------- names are important
            └── test
                └── java
                    └── calculator
                        └──   <-------- names are important

    Create a class named Calculator. All your methods should be static methods that have integer arguments and return integers. Eg:

        public static int add(....

    1. Create an add function that can add two integers

    Write some unit tests for a function named add that works like this:

    // should return 3
    // should return -2

    When you run your tests, they should fail.

    Now write enough code to make your tests pass.

    2. Modify the add function so that it can add multiple integers.

    Write some more tests that expect the add function to behave like this:

    // should return 15
    // should still return 3
    // should still return -2

    Please note that your function should NOT expect an array or list of numbers, for example:

    add([1,2,3,4])  # incorrect
    add({1,2,3,4})  # incorrect
    add(1,2,3,4)    # correct

    This is NOT what we are looking for. If you have square brackets inside your round brackets, you are doing it wrong. The same will apply to the multiply function you will build in the next section.

    Now make your tests pass.

    3. Create a multiply function that can multiply two integers

    Keep following a TDD approach for the rest of this project.

    Create a function called multiply that works like this:

    // should return 3
    // should return -3

    4. Modify the multiply function so that it can multiply multiple integers.

    The multiply function should now behave like this:

    // should return 120
    // should still return 3
    // should still return -3

    Instructions for reviewers

    • is not needed if the repo is set up properly (python).
    • For a given input we don’t just want to know that the function executed without error, the tests should make sure it returns the right thing.
    • Separate tests should be in separate test functions, there should not be one mega-test function that contains all the test code.
    • Tests should have descriptive names.
    • Built-in functions should not be used in this project.