topic: CS50's Mobile App Development with React Native - Overview and Javascript

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CS50’s Mobile App Development with React Native

We are using it as the basis of our own React Native course. Thank you Harvard 💚

Please go through the “Overview, Javascript” chapter.

Staying up to date

Please note that this course is from 2020, so it is a lil old. Web development changes pretty quickly, so it is always important to make sure you are using the most up to date information.

As always, the best source of accurate and up to date info about any tool or library is the official docs! Please don’t just mindlessly consume the Harvard lectures, do your own research! Own your own growth!

Contributions welcome

As you move through this course you might stumble across gotchas and pitfalls. And while you are doing your own research, you might find other useful resources. As you become a better programmer you can help make the syllabus better for the next people that use it. Please feel free to make pull requests :)

Always remember that the only true measure of success is the number of people you have helped. Any improvement you make here will help literally every person who works through this syllabus.