project: QR conference connector - Proof of concept

Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • REACT-NATIVE: CS50's Mobile App Development with React Native - React Native
  • The scenario

    You are a part of an organizing team for a tech conference. A conference is a great place to network and meet like-minded geeks. A lot of the time, people who meet at a conference want to stay in touch after the event. This means that the attendees spend a lot of time trading contact information. This is a tedious and error prone thing to do.

    Your job is to solve this with technology!


    After some brainstorming with the conference team, you have come up with the following solution:

    1. All conference attendees will get a name badge as they enter the conference
    2. Each name badge will have a unique qr code printed on it, the qr code will contain the person’s contact information
    3. The conference app will have a qr scanning function, people will be able to scan each other’s name tags to quickly get the right info.

    QR code specification

    QR codes can hold up to 4000 characters of info. Your QR code should contain the following information:

    • name (required)
    • email address (required)
    • link to profile pic (required)
    • status (optional) - this is a string of text, similar to a tweet
    • github username (optional)
    • linkedin profile (optional)
    • twitter handle (optional)
    • personal website url (optional)
    • company name (optional)
    • company url (optional)

    Since the number of characters you can put in a QR code is limited and we might want to save space later, please format your data as YAML and NOT JSON.

    You might need to do some research here.

    App specification

    1. When you open the app then it should immediately be ready to scan a qr code (after camera permissions have been granted)
    2. As soon as a qr code is detected, the app should display the person’s details. Please make sure that everything that should be a link, behaves like a link. Eg if a person includes their github username, then pressing/clicking on their username should link you to their github profile.

    Component library

    Please use NativeBase to make your app beautiful. NativeBase is a component library with a really nice feature set and good documentation. It’s also fairly straightforward to set up.

    Extra instructions

    • Please create a directory in your repo called “qr_code_samples”. Put at least 5 qr code images into the directory. This will make it easier for the reviewers to test your app.
    • Your README file should include screenshots of your app