topic: The big picture of tech - course introduction

This course aims to give quite a broad overview of tech. It is useful for anyone who is interested into getting into the software development industry in any way.

  • If you are interested in writing code then knowing how your code relates to the larger ecosystem is a big deal
  • If you want to get into any kind of software engineering management role, then you had better know what you are managing. There are also plenty of pitfalls you’ll learn about here. And you had better learn how to communicate effectively with your team
  • If you want to get into user interface design then your designs will need to be implemented by someone. A lot of UI/UX designers have no idea what they are asking for when they come up with a design
  • If you have an idea for a world-changing app then it’s worth knowing how things actually work

Our content strategy

We don’t like to write all our learning content ourselves. Our superpowers are:

  • finding the best content out there
  • supplementing it as necessary
  • guiding learners through it
  • validating people’s skills (making sure they learned what they were meant to learn)

So don’t be surprised when we send you to read content on other websites :)

Do your own research

You will come across all sorts of new concepts during this course. It is important that you are able to seek out understanding: Do the research yourself.

Research is a very important skill to develop in the tech field because tech changes all the time. There are always new technologies and new best practices worth learning about. If you are able to do the research yourself then you will be more likely to keep up.

Learn from your peers

You will be asked to review other people’s project submissions from time to time. There are a lot of reasons for this. One big one is that if you pay attention and do a good job of reviewing someone else’s work then you are very likely to learn from the experience.