topic: Why learn Django

Django is the bew framewrk for “perfectionists with deadlines”. It lets you build really robust and reliable web apps very very quickly.

Take a look at this:

And for another thing, Django is a realy great teacher. It makes use of many solid design patterns and has been developerd by people who are pretty much obsessed with web dev and clean code.

Django is highly opinionated (unlike ExpressJS or Flask) which means it has a learning curve. But the opinions coded into the software are really worth understanding.

One of the really cool things about using a highly opinionated framework like Django is that if you are working on a serious software product with a team of professional devs, and you get to a point where your team needs to grow, onboarding new devs can be a very smooth process.

Django developers know their way around Django based projects because Django projects are all the same shape. If you were to hire a new dev to work on a project written in an unopinionated project based on a “micro-framework” like Express or Flask then the dev would have to spend a lot of time poking around. So the fact that Django is so opinionated means teams using it are easy(ish) to scale.

The same is of course true of other highly opinionated frameworks

For those of you who dont know, Tilde, our learning platform, used Django and Django REST Framework (DRF) on it’s backend. And it works like a dream.