topic: How to be a professional remotely

This is a run down of what it means to be a professional remotely and how we expect you to behave within the tech department.


Ensure that you check your calendar every morning to make sure you which meetings you are to attend, and BE ON TIME! It is advised to join a meeting 5 minutes before its suppose to start.


It is of utmost importance to communicate at all times. When you will not be able to attend a meeting, or any duties you are expected to let us know, also give reasoning and a solution as to how you will catch up on work. Do this prior to the meeting. Check your rocket chat as often as possible. When a message has been sent to @all, react to the message with a thumbs up or any emoji. With regards to loadshedding ensure that you have the EskomSePush app on your cellphone. To inform your manager or JTL in advance if you will not be present at a certain time.

Background and Appearance

Like it or not, when it comes to working remotely, your background and your appearance sends a message to the people on the other side of the screen. If you are not happy with your background you can find a way to change your background here.