topic: Our content philosophy

The Internet is a wonderful place. It is full of really amazing learning resources that are created and maintained by passionate and knowledgeable people. It’s a hell of a job, and we are grateful that someone is doing it.

We try to leverage other people’s good work as much as possible. We provide you with the best resources we can find and we supplement those resources with our own projects and explanations where needed.

Why not just use free resources you find on the Internet?

Learning to code is hard for a bunch of reasons.

  • knowing what technologies to learn about it hard. Starting with the wrong technology can be enough to turn people off coding completely. Eg, starting with C is probably not the best bet.
  • selecting resources to learn from is hard. There is sooo much stuff out there, and a lot of it is bad quality or out of date
  • doing things in a sensible order is hard. Where should you even start
  • staying on track is hard. Things can get frustrating from time to time, especially when you are still getting to grips with things. Having people around who keep an eye on you is a very powerful thing
  • learning to solve real problems is hard. And finding the right problems to practice the skills needed is hard.

And then when you are skilled up, then proving that you have the skill to do coding work is hard

And there are loads of things that you can only really learn through practice. Like how to work effectively in an agile environment, and how to communicate effectively about code, and other “soft skills” (which are also hard, by the way).

For that hard stuff, we’ve got you covered :)

That said…

We do of course encourage you to look for extra recourses whenever you ned to. Exercise your curiosity like it’s a muscle.