topic: The programming languages of the web

To understand web development, you need to understand a bit about 3 different languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


This stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language. That’s a funny name. What you need to know is that HTML allows you to tell a computer about the layout and content of a website. For example you can use HTML to say that your website has a title, then a paragraph of text, then an image then a button.

We’ll get into some details in a little while :)


CSS is all about style. It decides how your HTML will look.

For example you might want your title to be big and underlined, your image to be centered, and your button to be blue. It’s all up to you.

You’ll get to play with CSS a little later.


Javascript lets you add smarts to your website. You can use it to add interactions and dynamic behavior. E.g. you can say that if a user clicks on a button then some new HTML elements are added to the web page, or some changes are made to the CSS.

It’s a very powerful tool and it is worth knowing about it. We wont be getting into details in this challenge but we’ll recommend some good learning resources at the end.

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