project: DevOps Questions #3

How to submit answers to the conceptual questions

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[TODO] TOPIC: How to submit your markdown files .


  1. Describe the challenges and solutions associated with ensuring the security and reliability of data centers, especially in the face of natural disasters or cyberattacks.

  2. What are some innovative approaches to sustainable data center design?

  3. What are the challenges of vendor lock-in and interoperability in multi-cloud or hybrid cloud environments?

  4. What are the unique value propositions or features from each major cloud provider (AWS, GCP, Azure)?

  5. How should organisations choose between different cloud models (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS)?

  6. What are some use cases for bare metal deployment?

  7. What are other virtualization technologies beyond traditional server virtualization? Which tools implement them?

  8. Briefly describe the Linux kernel technologies powering Docker (cgroups, namespaces etc).

  9. What are the biggest Serverless disadvantages?