project: Kustomization

Tags kubernetes fluxcd
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • K8S: Manual App Deployment – Project Overview
  • Soft Prerequisites
  • K8S: Bootstrap flux
  • Kustomization

    Kustomize, a configuration management tool native to Kubernetes, streamlines the customization and management of Kubernetes manifests. Its overlays prove invaluable when configuring multiple clusters using the same kustomization files. With Kustomize, users can efficiently tailor Kubernetes configurations without directly altering original YAML files. This approach enhances modularity and eases maintenance by separating desired changes into overlay files, making it ideal for consistent deployment across diverse clusters. In essence, Kustomize is a powerful tool that significantly improves the flexibility and scalability of Kubernetes configurations, facilitating smoother operations in multi-cluster environments.

    |-- infrastructure
    |   |-- my-cluster
    |   |   |-- kustomization.yaml
    |-- infrastructure
    |   |-- kustomization.yaml
    kubectl -n flux-system get kustomization
    kubectl -n flux-system describe kustomization

    Now we need to add a new kustomization for our base infrastructure

    In the infrastructure directory create the following files

    # clusters/my-cluster/infrastructure.yaml
    kind: Kustomization
      name: infrastructure
      namespace: flux-system
      interval: 30s
        kind: GitRepository
        name: flux-system
      path: ./infrastructure
      prune: true

    You can use Helm and Kustomize together by embedding Kustomize overlays within a Helm chart. This enables you to benefit from Helm’s packaging and release management alongside Kustomize’s declarative configuration customization for Kubernetes applications. The combination allows for a more modular and adaptable approach to managing Kubernetes configurations.

    You’ll notice kustomize tells flux to go and look inside the ./infrastructure folder for further instructions and then it will again look for the kustomization file and follow instructions

    Commit to github you can push straight to main branch

    Here are some useful commands to help with debugging.

    kubectl -n flux-system describe kustomiztion kubectl -n flux-system describe helmrepository kubectl -n flux-system describe helmchart kubectl -n flux-system describe helmrelease

    kubectl -n flux-system get kustomization --watch

    You’ll need to wait a minute or so and you’ll notice the new kustomization rolling out, if you run it with kubectl -n flux-system describe kustomization it tells you that it’s missing a file let’s add it now

    infrastructure   60s   False     kustomize build failed: kustomization.yaml is empty 
    # infrastructure/kustomization.yaml
    kind: Kustomization

    Now it says the file is empty but let’s add some sources in the next section