project: Add a little Ajax

Story points 8
Tags node ajax
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • TOPICS: Introduction to Ajax
  • PROJECTS: Node & SQL assignment

  • In this project you’ll be creating a more modern frontend for your application. You’ll need to create a whole new page that allows a user to see a list of visitors and to delete visitors.

    The technology to use for sending AJAX requests

    As a developer, it’s important that you can think for yourself and read up on things. Tech changes all the time. Do some googling - read up on the current best practices. Find out the pros and cons for using a certain technology to make requests from the client-side applications. Then make a choice.

    A new page

    Create a new static web page. Serve your new page from the following URL: http://localhost:[YOUR_PORT]/app

    List existing visitors

    Create an HTML table on the same page (on your single-page app). Use an ajax call to populate the table. Your frontend should be retrieving data from an api endpoint you already created.

    Delete visitors

    Add a “delete” button to each line of the table. When the user clicks “delete” then

    • ask the user if they are sure that they want to delete the visitor. Use some kind of modal or pop up.
    • make an api call to delete the visitor from the database
    • update the information displayed in the table

    Also, make sure that if you create any new visitors then they are visible on the table

    Add a visitor

    Add a button labelled “New Visitor”. This button should redirect the user to the new visitor form that was created in an earlier step in this project.

    Update the “thank you page” so that it only displays for 3 seconds and then redirects the user back to the visitors table. Of course the new visitor should be visible in the table.

    Up for a challenge?

    We can now add, list and delete visitor objects. Add a feature that lets the user update a Visitor’s details. Pay close attention to usability - how can you make this feature easy and obvious to the user?
