project: Quick Familiarity - Part 3

Tags teaching
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • TEACHING-CURRICULUM: Introducing Teach Like A Champion
  • As mentioned in the introductory topic of the course, the point of the quick familiarity projects is to do a quick skim of all of the techniques in the book, just to introduce you to the ideas and make sure that we can all start using the common language that the book provides for talking about nuanced teaching practices. We’ll practice the techniques more thoroughly later, but for now, let’s just get acquainted with them.

    This 12-page book summary provides a nice 1-page intro to the methodology that author Doug Lemov and team used to distill the best teaching practices from the best teachers in the country.

    To keep the projects bite-sized, we’ll look at just 3 chapters at a time and do some light reflection and planning.

    Your Mission Objectives

    Read through the the summary of chapters 7, 8 and 9 and then answer the following questions. Each question should be answered in 300 words or less.

    1. Describe which of the techniques you already apply pretty well when you teach and describe how you apply the technique. Also explain how you know that the technique works.

    2. Which technique do you think has the greatest potential to improve your teaching abilities? (choose 1). Be sure to motivate your choice with some sound reasoning.

    Please follow the following instructions to submit your work

    TOPIC: How to submit your markdown files