project: Ethics questions

Please answer the following questions:

  1. If you consider all the roles involved in developing a serious piece of software, who should care about ethics? Is it only certain people? Or is it everyone? And why?

  2. Privacy vs. Utility: How should developers balance the trade-off between privacy and utility in software that uses personal data? Where should we draw the line between collecting data to improve user experiences and respecting user privacy?

  3. Accessibility: How can developers ensure their software is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities? What level of accessibility should be considered the ethical minimum?

  4. Open Source vs Proprietary Software: Is it more ethical to develop open-source software, which can be freely used and modified by the community, or proprietary software, which can provide more control over the use of the software and potentially more resources for development?

  5. Bias in AI: As AI and machine learning algorithms become more prevalent, how should developers handle the potential for bias in these systems? Who should be responsible for identifying and mitigating these biases?

How to submit your work

Please follow the following instructions to submit your work:

TOPIC: How to submit your markdown files