project: Test Driven Development - Questions

Tags tdd skill/tdd
Hard Prerequisites
IMPORTANT: Please review these prerequisites, they include important information that will help you with this content.
  • TOPICS: Test Driven Development
  • Please answer the following questions:

    1. Define test-driven development

    2. If you are following test-driven-development, can you ever skip the “RED” step of the process?

    3. List at least 3 benefits of TDD. Each benefit should be explained in a short paragraph.

    4. How can you apply a TDD approach to fixing bugs in your code?

    5. How does unit testing help make a dev team more effective?

    6. Take a look at the following code snippets:

    # python
    assert warning_colour == "orange"
    assert warning_colour != "blue"
    // javascript
    // java

    For each language, only one of the assertions/expectations is useful and the other one adds no value. Please say which line should be removed and explain why.

    How to submit your work

    Please follow the following instructions to submit your work:

    TOPIC: How to submit your markdown files