project: Understanding the review column

Tags close_on_peer_reviews skill/tilde

The review column causes a lot of confusion for a lot of people. A lot of students do weird things and end up getting bad reviews.

When to put cards into the review column

Repo projects

People mess this one up all the time. Focus

Only put your card into the Review column when your main branch is complete. Your main branch needs to hit all the requirements set out in the project brief. If you still have Pull Requests that need to be merged then get those merged before moving forward.

The main branch needs to be complete and demonstrate that you are at least competent.

If you put your repo card into the review column then you are saying “I believe my main branch meets 100% of the project requirements”

This one is simpler. You need to hit these requirements before requesting a review:

  1. Link your card to whatever you were supposed to. Eg if you were meant to create a Google Document then your card should link to that document.
  2. Anyone with the link should be able to access your project: your work should not be private.
  3. The project should be complete and demonstrate competence.


You can move topics once you have:

  1. Understood the material.
  2. Followed whatever instructions were on the topic.

What happens to cards in the review column?

As you progress in your course you’ll start seeing other cards showing up in your review column, cards that look a little weird and link to other people’s work. When that happens then you need to look at the person’s work and add a review.

That’s right! You’ll be reviewing your peers! And they will be reviewing you :)

What you need to do when you review someone else’s work is:

  1. Make sure you understand the instructions that they were meant to follow.
  2. Read their work. If they wrote code, make sure it runs and does what it was supposed to.
  3. Click the “Add Review” button and fill in the form.

The review form explains itself. There is some help text that should make sense. One cool thing worth noting is that the review comments accept markdown text so you can add formatting and bullet points and that sort of thing.

Review is your top priority

If you owe reviews to your peers then that is more important than moving your own cards. Be a team player.

Have high standards

When a person lands a new job and they manage to survive the first 3 months then they tend to keep the job. When reviewing projects imagine that you are the person’s boss - imagine paying for the work, what kind of quality would you expect?

Be a teacher

One of the main reasons we review each other is so that we can teach each other. Be informative and supportive.

Be a learner

Of course one of the best ways to learn is to teach. While reviewing other people’s work you will be forced to think about skills you might have already demonstrated. While reviewing people’s work try to recall things that you have done in the past that demonstrate similar skills.

Think about how your peer implemented the project, compare that to your own approach. Think about the tradeoffs. Be curious.

We wouldn’t ask you to review other people’s work if it wasn’t good for you :)

Leave complete feedback

If there are 5 things wrong with a project submission then explain all 5. Make sure you give your peer enough information so that they can sort out everything as quickly as possible.

Set your peers up for success and efficiency!

Look at your review performance often

Visit your review performance page on Tilde often. You’ll be able to see if you are doing a high quality work.

If you are bad at review, you’re probably going to be bad at working on teams. This will severely limit your career growth.

You probably wont do a great job of project review at first, but it is a skill you can get better at.

Review statuses and card movements

There are 2 positive statuses (Competent and Excellent) and 2 negative statuses (Not Yet Competent and Red Flag).

  1. If anyone adds any negative status to a card then the card moves to the “Review Feedback” column. Then the person who did the work can make changes and fixes and request another review.
  2. If a student adds a positive review to a card then the card does not move. It just gets a smiley face
  3. If a staff member or trusted reviewer adds a positive review to a card then it moves to the complete column.

What to review first

The best thing is to aim to review people who haven’t had feedback yet. Look for cards where there are the fewest smiley faces and review those first.


By taking part in this review process you get to:

  • practice good professional communication skills.
  • practice teamwork.
  • show us that you know what competent work looks like.

You need to aim to be fast and accurate with your reviews.

In terms of accuracy, if you mark something as Competent and then a staff member marks it as Not Yet Competent then that tells us that you don’t know what competence looks like. Which means you have gaps in your knowledge.

We don’t expect you to be perfect all the time. But we do expect you to keep an eye on the cards you’ve reviewed. If a staff member disagrees with your review you need to look at it and figure out why they disagree with you. Then the next time you review someone’s work you need to try to use your new knowledge.

By reviewing code and stating your opinion you will constantly test and upgrade your skills.


You need to demonstrate your understanding of how the review column works before putting this project card into the review column.

FIRST the below project card should be marked competent:

Tilde project tutorial: How to submit a link

For coders the below project also needs to be in the complete column

Tilde project tutorial: How Repo projects work

If the relevant project card(s) aren’t complete, you will be red-flagged for this project card if you move it to the review column. Instructions must be followed.

Note about submission format

On Tilde you will notice that this card is asking for a link submission. Please don’t worry about submitting a link

Please answer the following questions:

  1. If you are learning to code, when should you put your repo card into the review column?
  2. What is the priority of a student who owes reviews to their peers?
  3. Why is it important to have high standards when reviewing other people’s work?
  4. What should you do if there are multiple issues with a project submission?
  5. What are the benefits of participating in the review process?
  6. What should you do if a staff member disagrees with your review?
  7. What are the consequences of marking something as competent and a staff member marking it as not yet competent?
  8. How should you prioritize which cards to review first?

How to submit your work

Please follow the following instructions to submit your work:

TOPIC: How to submit your markdown files