Android Development With Kotlin
Big picture of tech
Big picture of tech BCX
Build your own website and host it on the web!
Capitec Data analytics
Common tech bootcamp requirements
Data eng bridging course
Data Engineering - part 1
Data Engineering - part 2
Data Engineering boot camp - quick wins
Data engineering boot camp (with automarked katas)
Data Science
Data Science - part 1
Data Science boot camp - quick wins
Data Science boot camp (with automarked katas)
Data science bridging course
Datascience short course 1
DEPRECATED - Foundations of data eng for employed learners
DEPRICATED - ACN Coding aptitude mini course and assessment - javascript
DEPRICATED - ACN Coding aptitude mini course and assessment - Python
DEPRICATED - Alumni Data Engineering Bootcamp
DEPRICATED - Alumni Java Bootcamp
DEPRICATED - Alumni Web developement Bootcamp
DEPRICATED - Coder Interview Prep
DEPRICATED - Copywriting
DEPRICATED - Copywriting and Advertising
DEPRICATED - Data Engineering - part 2 (Old Mutual)
DEPRICATED - Data Engineering boot camp
DEPRICATED - Data Science boot camp
DEPRICATED - Employed common tech requirements
DEPRICATED - Employed Data Engineering skills test
DEPRICATED - Employed Data Science skills test
DEPRICATED - Employed Java skills test
DEPRICATED - Employed learnership intro to Tilde part 1
DEPRICATED - Employed learnership intro to Tilde part 2
DEPRICATED - Employed Web Development skills test
DEPRICATED - Foundations of data sci for employed learners
DEPRICATED - Foundations of java for employed learners
DEPRICATED - Foundations of web dev for employed learners
DEPRICATED - IT Support and IT automation
DEPRICATED - Java boot camp
DEPRICATED - Java Bridging Course
DEPRICATED - Multimedia
DEPRICATED - Ui Design and Advertising
DEPRICATED - Web development boot camp
DEPRICATED - Web development Bridging Course
DEPRICATED - web-dev-foundations Free Trial
Design Thinking Sprint
DevOps Short Course – Foundational
Django for Web devs
Employability sprint
Employability sprint with Hiration
Hybrid mobile development
Intro to Tilde for non-coder bootcampers
Intro to Tilde for tech bootcamps
Introduction to Bootcamp and Learnership
iOS Mobile Development
Java boot camp - quick wins
Java boot camp (with automarked katas)
Java Systems Development - Capitec assessment - 2023 10
Java Systems Development - Capitec technical sessions - 2023 10
Java Systems Development - part 1
Java Systems Development - part 2
Kubernetes (A.K.A K8s)
Learner Onboarding
NCIT - Java
NCIT - JavaScript
NCIT - Python
Notes about bootcamps
Post Bootcamp Soft Skills
Professional Scrum Master
Professional Scrum Master with Pluralsight
Professional Scrum Master with Udemy
QCTO data science practitioner
React Native
React Specialisation
Robotic Process Automation with Python
Web apps for data scientists
Web dev bridging course
Web Development - part 1
Web Development - part 1 - 2023 A2
Web Development - part 2
Web Development - part 2 - 2023 A2
Web development boot camp - quick wins
Web development boot camp (with automarked katas)
Web frontend foundations
Interviewing sucessfully
Node Sync/Async
Survey design
Basic Control Flow
Basic Syntax & Types
Constructor Default Values
Data Binding
Data Classes
Delegated Properties
Enum Classes
Grid Layout
In Line Functions
Internet Data and Images
Kotlin Introduction
Nested Classes
Null Safety
Properties and Fields
Returns and Jumps
Sealed Classes
Set Up
Work Manager
Angular Elements
Angular material
Angular testing with Cucumber and Protractor
Angular unit tests
Basic introduction to Redux
Big Picture of Web Dev
Clean Code
Clean Code for Data Science
Clean Code for Java
Clean Code For JavaScript
Clean Code for Kotlin
Clean Code for Python
Clean Code for SQL
Clean Code for XML
General Clean Code Guidelines
Curious learning and research strategy
Data Ethics
Data Ethics and Privacy
Data Validation
Data validation and quality control
Express JS
Free Code Camp
FreeCodeCamp - Data Analysis with Python
FreeCodeCamp - Maths for Programmers - Sets and Logic
FreeCodeCamp - Scientific Computing with Python
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
FreeCodeCamp - Basic Algorithm Scripting
FreeCodeCamp - Basic Data Structures
FreeCodeCamp - Basic Javascript
FreeCodeCamp - Debugging
FreeCodeCamp - ES6
FreeCodeCamp - Functional Programming
FreeCodeCamp - Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
FreeCodeCamp - Object Oriented Programming
FreeCodeCamp - Regular Expressions
Legacy Responsive Web Design
FreeCodeCamp - Applied Accessibility
FreeCodeCamp - Applied Visual Design
FreeCodeCamp - Basic CSS
FreeCodeCamp - Basic HTML and HTML5
FreeCodeCamp - CSS Flexbox
FreeCodeCamp - CSS Grid
FreeCodeCamp - Responsive Web Design Principles
Git Basics
Git and GitHub
Introduction to Git and GitHub Part: 1
Introduction to Git and GitHub Part: 2
Version Control & Scrum using Trello & Github
Git feature branching
Google forms like a boss
High performance dev teams
How to ask for help with your code
How to be a professional remotely
How to download youtube videos from the terminal
Intro to CSS architecture resources
Intro to functional programming
Intro to hybrid mobile
Intro to software architecture
Introduction to Ajax
Introduction to assertive programming
Introduction to Design Patterns
Introduction to Dotenv module
Introduction to Node and SQL
Introduction to pair programming
Introduction to Typescript
Introduction to unit tests with Mocha
Introduction to Ionic.
Ionic Tools and Patterns
Progressive Web Apps.
iOS Mobile
Alerts Notifications and Application Life Cycle
Core Motion and Camera
More Segues
More Swift, Gestures and Animations
Multithreading, Auto-Layout and Other Functionality
Swift and More
Swift TDD and Unit Testing
Jasmine Spies
Jasmine unit tests
Environmental variables and secrets with gradle
Exception Handling
Gradle and IntelliJ project submission structure
Intro to JUnit
Introduction to Gradle with IntelliJ
Introduction to Spring Boot
Intro to spring boot - Part 1
Intro to spring boot - Part 2
Intro to spring boot - Part 3
Spring Boot - Consume API
Introduction to Spring Infrastructure
Introduction to Spring Infrastructure part 1
Introduction to Spring Infrastructure part 2
Introduction to Spring Infrastructure part 3
Java collections and data structures
Java File IO
Java Generics
Java Lambda expressions and Functional Interface
Java learning materials
Java Logging with Log4j
Java Multithread, Concurrency and Parallelism
Java OOP basics resources and readings
Java project submission requirements
Java Streams
JDBC templates
Strings and numbers in Java
Javascript error handling best practices
JS and Node
APIs and Node
DOM events with vanilla JavaScript
DOM manipulation with vanilla JavaScript
JavaScript template engines
Logging in Node and JS
MongoDB and JavaScript
Node setup
Super basic intro to Node
The dotenv module
Using the fetch api
Jupyter notebooks best practices
Keep on growing!
Khan Academy
Khan Academy - Statistics and probability
Unit 1 - Introduction to Statistics
Unit 2 - Intermediate Statistics
Unit 3 - Advanced Statistics
Seventh Grade Maths
Kinds of web APIs
Environmental Variables
Introduction to Bash and the terminal
Introduction to Linux
Mocking with Angular
Model Evaluation
Nodejs intro to socketIO
optimizations and big-O
Pull Requests
python specific resources
Automated Testing in Python
Intro OOP(Object-oriented Programming) for Python
Introduction to APIs
Logging in Python
MongoDB and Python
Python and Kafka
Python and Spark
Python backend dev environment setup
Python Decorators - Advanced
Python Decorators - Intro
Python Exception handling
Python Iterators and Generators
Python Lists in depth
Python Recursion by example
Python writing custom exceptions
SQL and Python
Sqlalchemy ORM
Sqlalchemy Basics
Sqlalchemy migrations with Alembic
Virtual Environments
Web scraping with Python
Python versus JavaScript
React and Redux Developer tools
Redux Saga
Redux Thunks
Regular Expression Resources
Reopening a Pull request
strategy department topics
facebook marketing
google analytics
Google Sheets
SQL for strat
statistics for strat
Test Driven Development
Test Driven Development - Questions
The Tech Landscape Terminology
Unit testing (language agnostic concepts)
TDD Horrors
Unit testing with mocks and spies
Web Dev learning materials
Web Frontend
Intro to Angular
Intro to Vue
Introduction to CSS
Introduction to web design
Intro to React
Official React Tutorial
React + Redux architectural guidelines
React Unit testing
React: Basic basic architectural guidelines
Storage Options
What to put in your CV
Business intelligence tools
Clean Code (language agnostic)
Clean Code index
Intro to CSS architecture
Android with Kotlin Projects
Project 1
Linear layout using the Layout Editor
User Activity
Project 2
Constraint Layout Using Layout Editor
Data Binding Basics
Project 3
Create a fragment.
Define navigation paths.
Start an external activity.
Project 4
Lifecycles and logging.
Project 5
Data binding with ViewModel and LiveData.
LiveData and LiveData observers.
LiveData transformations.
Project 6
Create a Room Database.
Project 7
Diffutil Data Binding with Recycler-View
GridLayout with RecyclerView.
Headers in Recycler-View.
Interacting with RecyclerView items.
RecyclerView Fundamentals.
Project 8
Filtering Details With Internet Data.
Getting Data From The Internet.
Loading and Displaying Images.
Project 9
Design For Everyone.
Material Designs and Dimensions and Colours.
Styles and Themes
Angular Testing with Cucumber
Angular Tutorial
Beginning Bash
Capstone project
build a Chrome Extension that measures time spent in meetings
Gmail Text Scraper
Pair Stairs
Spaced Repitition machine to help you remember what you read
The Quizmaster
consuming APIs with the requests module
DAGs with Airflow
Distributed workloads with ZeroMQ
Email random inspirational quote - deprecated
Game of life: Angular elements
Git Basic Exercises
Ionic Projects
Build a news app with Ionic
Building Mobile Apps with Ionic, Angular, and TypeScript
iOS Mobile
Codable, File Manager, URL
Drag and Drop, Multithreading and Delegation
More Swift, Gestures and Animations
Multithreading Layout and Other Functionality - Animated Set
Multithreading Layout and Other Functionality - Graphical Set
Swift and More
Swift TDD and Unit Testing
Java Projects
File IO + Logging + Errors
Introduction to Spring Boot
Intro to spring boot project - Part 1
Intro to spring boot project - Part 2
Intro to spring boot project - Part 3
Spring Boot - Consume REST API and SOAP Service
Spring Boot - View Template with Thymeleaf and Upload Files
Java collections
Java data structures
Java Generics Project
Java Lamba Expressions and Functional Interfaces
Java Streams
Java Threads
SQL Extended
Linux challenges
Advanced Linux challenges
Beginner Linux challenges
Memory game using Angular Material
Memory Game: rebuild using a modern web frontend framework
Mocking with Angular
Morse code
Nodejs Challenges
Node & File IO
Node & mongoDB assignment
Express, forms and templates
Expose a RESTful JSON API
Add a little Ajax
Node & SQL assignment
OOP Exercises
Animals Part 1. OOP basics
Animals Part 2. Adding Tests
Animals Part 3. Adding more functionality
Bank Accounts
Python projects
Database migrations with SQLAlchemy
Django - exposing a REST api with a real database
expose a simple JSON rest api
Getting to know Python
interacting with files
Python and Kafka
Python and MongoDB
Python and Spark
Redux Saga Intro
Redux with Angular
Resturaunt menu
Semitone Challenge
semitone difference - basic algorithm
semitone difference - Make a simple GUI
semitone difference - Advanced algorithm
semitone difference - A gui that is more...awesome
semitone difference - Add Redux
Shopping cart calculations
Simple Website - Build your first personal website
Test Driven Development
lots and lots of tdd katas
Password Checker
Add logging to password checker - deprecated
Password strength checker
recursive search
Resturaunt menu system
simple-calculator part 1
simple-calculator part 2
string-calculator part 1
string-calculator part 2
ten-pin bowling scoring system
Tilde Mockups
Code Review Performance Dashboard mockup
Public Profile
Volunteer Pair-programming Dashboard
Understanding map reduce
Validating user input for web
Web Development - Build your first personal website
Writing Assignment
Writing assignment questions
Introduction to development environment for web
Introduction to Node and Friends
Basic Intro to OOP
Basic intro to oop with IntelliJ
DEPRICATED - Build your first personal website
Git Basics
Git for Teamwork
How To Be A Great Mentor
Intro to Presentation
Introdction to NCIT curriculum
Introduction to CSS
Introduction to Express js
Introduction to Linux: Live demo
Live code python intro
Live code: introduction to JS
Live coding: Introduction to Java
Python self-learning
Solo Learn - Java - Module 6 - Exceptions, Lists, Threads & Files - Deprecated
Time Management
Unit testing Introduction
Unit testing with Jasmine Introduction
Agile & Scrum
Agile and Scrum
Agile Triage
Kanban wastes
Basic introduction to Github - Helloworld
Common problems
Inconsistent return types
Javascript Error handling
Mixing code and configuration
Putting secrets in the code
Python Errors
Use an autoformatter
Additional Reading and Resources
Define - Problem Statement
Design Sprint wrap-up
Design Thinking Project Presentation
Empathise - Questionnaire & Persona
Ideate - Brainstorming
Introduction to the Design Thinking Sprint
Step 1 - Empathise
Step 2 - Define
Step 3 - Ideate
Step 4 - Prototype
Step 5 - Test
Test - User Testing
What is design thinking
Flask and docker
Intro to Docker and Docker-compose
Troubleshooting Docker Desktop for Windows
Creating your CV
Elevator Pitch
Employability sprint introduction
Employability sprint wrap-up
Hiration Introduction
Interview Preparation
Technical Interview Preparation
Job search plan
Know where you are going
Online profile
Portfolio of work - digital product design guidelines
Portfolio of work - tech guidelines
Submit another online profile
Submit your CV
Submit your elevator pitch
Submit your LinkedIn
Submit your portfolio
How to submit your skills test
File and directory naming
File and Directory Naming Assignment
File and directory naming in Java
File and directory naming in JavaScript
File and directory naming in Python
Getting set up to write code on your device
Datascience setup for Android
Getting Git set up
Getting set up to do data science on your computer
Getting set up to write Java on your computer
Getting set up to write Javascript on your computer
Getting set up to write Python on your computer
Java setup for Android
javaScript setup for iOS
Python setup for Android
Python setup for iOS
Introduction to Gradle
Javascript debugging in VSCode
Containers with Docker and Docker Compose
Docker Compose
Install Docker and Docker Compose
Overview of Containers and using Docker & Docker-compose
Python App
Running the App
Continues deployment using fluxcd
Apps kustomization
Bootstrap flux
Buttons helmrelease
Buttons helmrepository source
Create folder structure
PostgreSQL buttons
Root kustomization apps
Setup postgresql backend
Start K3s
Unistall K3s
GitHub Actions
Backend Pipeline
Frontend Pipeline
Helm Chart Pipeline
Setup GitHub Secrets
Helm Deployment
Creating the Ingress
Creating the Services
Deploy the Backend with Helm
Deploy the Frontend with Helm
Helm Chart
Introduction to Kubernetes
Deploy app with manifest file
Deploy the Backend
Deploy the Frontend
Install PostgreSQL
Expanding the cluster
Install cert-manager
Install Harbor
Install ingress-nginx
Push Docker images to Harbor
Start the Cluster & Install Helm
K3s Quick Start
Manual App Deployment
Access EC2
GitHub Setup
Install Certbot
Manual App Deployment – Project Overview
Nginx Installation
Nginx Reverse Proxy
Nginx TLS Setup
PostgreSQL Installation
Python App Setup
Language agnostic
Get started with HackerRank
Problem solving techniques
Validate a South African ID number
Learning how to teach coders
Debugging some broken code
Deep practice of foundational skills
Polishing existing projects
Problem solving based on Coderbyte tests
How this course works
National Qualifications Framework
Business selfie
How to plan your time during a coding test
How to submit your markdown files
Expo tutorial project
Introduction to React Native
React Native setup
React Native testing with Jest
Introduction to Scrum
Product owner learning pathway
Product Owner Open Assessment
PSM 1 course conclusion
PSM 1 Practice Assessment
PSM 1 Test and Results
Scrum and Product Owner practice quizzes
Scrum Certification Course
Scrum Essential Exam Prep
Scrum Flash Cards
Scrum Master Learning Pathway
Scrum Master Training
Scrum Open Assessment
Volkerdon Practice Assessments
Cognitive Biases
Dealing with anxiety (for coders)
Emotional Intelligence
How to become a ninja
Learning How To Learn
Time Management
Specific skill assessment criteria
Assessment: Classes and objects
Assessment: For loops
Assessment: Functions, return statements and printing to the terminal
clean code
Introduction to live assessments
Getting ready to write some SQL
Shop Database using sql
SQL Library exercise
Chapter 1 - High Standards
Introducing Teach Like A Champion
Quick Familiarity - Part 1
Quick Familiarity - Part 2
Quick Familiarity - Part 3
Quick Familiarity - Part 4
A brief history of AI
Dev Team Collaboration
Dev-ops questions
Ethics questions
Explore AI
Intro to version control
Introduction cloud computing
Introduction to DevOps
Introduction to mobile development
Introduction to open source
Introduction to security
Introduction to UI/UX
Open source research
Reflect on your personal goals
Security best practices for you
Software processes and agile practices
Tech roles and careers
Testing and Quality Assurance (QA)
The big picture of tech - course introduction
The cloud and you
What is software?
What is the Internet?
Why software projects fail
Why and how to review code
Github repo
Edit this page
African Coding Network Syllabus
> QCTO data science practitioner
: QCTO data science practitioner
TOPIC: KM-01-KT01 What is data science?
TOPIC: KM-01-KT02 Why Data Science?
TOPIC: KM-01-KT03 Sources of Data
TOPIC: KM-01-KT04 Ensuring Access to Accurate Data
TOPIC: KM-01-KT05 Applications of Data Science
TOPIC: KM-01-KT06 Attributes of a Data Science Practitioner
TOPIC: KM-01-KT07 Big Data
TOPIC: PM-02-PS10 Code Loops (Tailored to a Specific Tool or Platform)
PROJECT: Level 1 coding challenges
PROJECT: Assessment: For loops
PROJECT: Workplace Experience Module 1